Thriving As A Highly Sensitive Person

Are Eating Disorders A Mental Illness?

Are Eating Disorders A Mental Illness?

Eating Disorders are a diagnosable mental illness. So says the Bible for diagnosing psychiatric illnesses, the American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental...

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What Influences Body Image For Tweens?

What Influences Body Image For Tweens?

Body image is the relationship you have with your body. Parents, your body image has likely changed over the years in some ways. But maybe not in others. For tweens, body image is especially complex...

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What Is Disordered Eating?

What Is Disordered Eating?

Disordered eating is so common that it's hard to identify and define. It's just accepted as "normal". Kind of like fish not knowing they're wet. It's just how they live. We're born with all of the...

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