Thriving As A Highly Sensitive Person

Can Animals Be Highly Sensitive?

Can Animals Be Highly Sensitive?

Catfish, platypus, elephant, Planet of the Apes. Oh, and Homo sapiens. No, this isn’t Final Jeopardy. The question regards high sensitivity. If humans can be highly sensitive, can animals be highly...

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20 Famous Highly Sensitive People

20 Famous Highly Sensitive People

We love genius in all its forms. And we are, as a species, often selfish, short-sighted, and without boundaries when it comes to it. We want the products of that genius – quickly, consistently,...

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AMA: Can A Highly Sensitive Person Change?

AMA: Can A Highly Sensitive Person Change?

Who are you? What defines you? What immutable characteristics make you “who you are”? And do you believe you can change more than what you do and actually change who you are? The examination is...

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