Dr Daniels, I never really know if I am hungry or full, and sometimes eat so much that I feel uncomfortable afterward. Do I have Binge Eating Disorder?

Overeating: What is it?

​Overeating at times is part of normal eating. Examples of overeating include having an extra helping at a meal because something tastes soooo good,  or eating beyond fullness at a special holiday meal or celebration.

Binge Eating: What is it?

​The American Psychiatric Association defines Binge Eating Disorder (BED) as eating significantly more food in a short period of time than most people would eat under similar circumstances. The key is feeling a loss of control. 

Disgust, guilt, or embarrassment are also common, as is eating in secret.   While overeating may happen at times for everyone, a person with BED has recurrent episodes of bingeing without purging.

There is often emotional and physical distress.  Episodes occur at least 1x per week for 3 months

BED is more common than Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa; 5 million women and 3 million men in the United States struggle with this disorder. Though this eating disorder is prevalent in our country, it can easily go undiagnosed.   

​If you are unsure if you or a loved one may have BED, seek professional help from an Eating Disorder expert.  BED is unlikely to go away on its own. With proper treatment, recovery is completely possible!