by Elayne S. Daniels, PhD | Sep 1, 2022 | Disordered Eating, Highly Sensitive Person
Eating disorders are equal-opportunity destroyers. Their sufferers develop them for many different reasons. Risk factors from psychology, biology, and genetics combine with culture to create a perfect storm. And wow, what a storm it is, especially for Highly Sensitive...
by Elayne S. Daniels, PhD | Jul 18, 2022 | Disordered Eating
More often than you might think, people with eating disorders don’t recognize or acknowledge they have a problem. They may be full-blown into eating disorder behaviors while turning a blind eye to how severely ill they are. . Getting treatment for an eating...
by Elayne S. Daniels, PhD | Feb 13, 2022 | Disordered Eating
The very real consequences of eating disorders– especially if left untreated — wreak havoc with body, mind, and spirit. Messages involving false promises bombard us. The essence of the messages is that dieting and exercise will let you live longer and be...
by Elayne S. Daniels, PhD | Jan 22, 2022 | Disordered Eating
Eating disorders are insidious. They hide behind social media, dating, fitness-conscious workouts, and bathroom doors. By the time parents catch on, the challenge of catching up can be overwhelming…and consequential. It’s therefore important – imperative, really –...
by Elayne S. Daniels, PhD | Dec 14, 2021 | Disordered Eating
Common signs and symptoms of eating disorders can be tough to recognize. They’re sneaky, subtle, and often socially accepted. Distinguishing between what’s “normal” and what’s indicative or symptomatic of a disorder is difficult. Thanks a lot, Diet Culture....
by Elayne S. Daniels, PhD | Nov 28, 2021 | Disordered Eating
Knowing how to help a friend with an eating disorder can be tricky. If you’re reading this article, you probably have a friend you suspect has an eating disorder. And you want to help but don’t know how to. You’re especially concerned that anything...