by Elayne S. Daniels, PhD | Jun 13, 2022 | Body Image Issues
Bodies are neither good nor bad. Body image, however, can’t say the same. Good, bad, or somewhere in between, body image isn’t really about your body at all. It’s about the thoughts, feelings, and perceptions you have about it. Positive thoughts and feelings? Good...
by Elayne S. Daniels, PhD | Jun 5, 2022 | Body Image Issues
You’ve probably heard the saying about beach body images. The one that goes like this: If you want a beach body, go to the beach. With your body. Now you have a beach body! Sigh. If only we were all socialized to feel that eeezy breezy. But we’re not. We...
by Elayne S. Daniels, PhD | May 29, 2022 | Highly Sensitive Person
The sensitive life is filled with dimension, vibrancy, and awareness. That’s why super effective Highly Sensitive Person coping strategies for every HSP to know are important to know. People destined from birth to live a life of High Sensitivity (HS) know, with...
by Elayne S. Daniels, PhD | May 24, 2022 | Highly Sensitive Person
We humans tend to criticize, judge, and even flat-out reject what we don’t understand. We take comfort in norms, even as we delight in their departures. If you’re a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), you know where this is headed. Those who don’t understand you are...
by Elayne S. Daniels, PhD | May 5, 2022 | Anxiety & Depression
There’s a decision that millions of people have to make at a time when they have the greatest difficulty making decisions. The decision is more complicated than pondering how effective anti-anxiety and depression meds are. When anxiety and/or depression begins to...